How To Fix Lenovo Laptop Keyboard Backlight Not Working


he console backdrop illumination highlight is preinstalled on most Lenovo items. In the event that your Lenovo console backdrop illumination isn't on, you ought to confirm assuming your console accompanies the backdrop illumination highlight. Assuming that yours simply doesn't function as it should, attempt the accompanying fixes.

Attempt these fixes…
You don't need to attempt them all; simply work your direction down the rundown until you observe the one that gets the job done!

1: Use hotkeys to empower backdrop illumination

2: Restart your PC

3: Set up your console backdrop illumination by means of Lenovo Vantage

4: Perform a power channel

5: Check if backdrop illumination works in BIOS

Does my console has the backdrop illumination include?
All Lenovo consoles with the backdrop illumination component will have a little light symbol on Esc key, Space key or Fn key. Assuming that you don't see any, it implies your console doesn't accompany the backdrop illumination highlight.

Fix 1: Use hotkeys to empower backdrop illumination
To empower backdrop illumination: press Fn key and Space key/Esc key.
You can likewise hold down Fn key and tap Space key to change the brilliance level. The three levels are off, low (faint), and high (brilliant).

Fix 2: Restart your PC/PC
Another straightforward fix you should attempt is to a restart of your PC/PC. On the off chance that the console illuminated works later you restart your PC, it implies the issue was an arbitrary error, nothing equipment related. It's likewise conceivable that something was impeding your console's capacity. However, a reboot resets your work area climate, so the issue is fixed.Assuming this fix doesn't give you karma, attempt the following one.

Fix 3: Set up your console backdrop illumination by means of Lenovo VantageLenovo Vantage is a device that permits clients to tweak their PC or any Lenovo item. You can set up your console backdrop illumination by means of this application:

Download Lenovo Vantage.
Introduce and run the program.
Under Device > Input and frill, you'll have the option to track down your console data and change backdrop illumination.

Fix 4: Perform a power channel
Doing a power channel might assist with settling console backdrop illumination issues when the framework is impeding your console's capacity. The methods of playing out a power channel relies upon your battery type:
On the off chance that your battery is inherent your PC:
Turn off the AC connector, and hold down the power button for somewhere around 10 seconds.
Plug the AC connector back into your PC, then, at that point, turn on your PC.

Assuming you battery is removable from your PC:

Discharge the battery from your PC and turn off the AC connector. Assuming you don't know how to securely eliminate your battery, if it's not too much trouble, allude to your maker's manual.
Hold down the power button for no less than 10 seconds.
Set your battery back and connect the AC connector. Then, at that point, attempt to turn on your PC.
In the wake of restarting your PC, test if the backdrop illumination on your console works. Assuming that this doesn't tackle your concern, attempt the last fix.

Fix 5: Check if backdrop illumination works in BIOS

In the event that your console is flawed, the backdrop illumination won't work. To decide whether the backdrop illumination issue is connected with equipment harm, you can test it in BIOS.

Restart your PC. At the point when the Lenovo logo shows up on your screen, hold down F1 key or tap Enter key over and again on your console.

You ought to enter BIOS now. The following is the manner by which a BIOS menu screen would commonly resemble, yet the screens could contrast on various models.

Press Fn key and Esc key or Space key to test it your console backdrop illumination works.

Assuming your backdrop illumination is on, you would have to refresh your BIOS. Lenovo has given a BIOS update bundle that straightforwardly handles the console backdrop illumination issue. Sadly, it's just for several Lenovo Legion items with Windows 10 64-cycle, including:

Reward: Keep your PC in top condition,One of the least demanding PC support tips is to stay up with the latest. Refreshing your drivers consistently forestalls numerous minor and arbitrary issues you might run into.

There are two methods for refreshing your drivers: physically or consequently.

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